Think Outside The Cell

BioEnhanced Herbicides
Weeds cause over $55 billion in crop losses each year, threatening food security and sustainability. Existing solutions are limited, and farmers experience control and consistency failures with current herbicides.
Our latest bioenhanced herbicide solutions offer breakthrough innovations, providing long-lasting, broad-spectrum weed control by enhancing traditional actives with the power of enzyme systems.

Plant pathogens devastate crops and rob farmers of 20-30% of their yields. This is particularly acute for organic and specialty crop farmers, and they face a critical shortage of effective treatment options.
Our enzyme-centered approach offers a new solution. By delivering fast-acting antimicrobial compounds to the leaf, we deliver targeted, efficacious disease control, and empower growers with a new tool for disease management.

Human Milk Bioactives
Necrotizing enterocolitis (NEC) is a devastating disease affecting premature infants, with mortality rates reaching as high as 50%. The beneficial effects of human milk sugars are known, but remain inaccessible to most infants due to rarity and cost.
Using our cell-free biocatalysis platform, Zymtronix now offers an economically viable and commercially available source of complex human milk oligosaccharides (HMOs). In particular, we are now making DSLNT available to researchers and industrial partners upon request.

Unlock New Opportunities
Accelerate product development from discovery to production by working outside of the cell. Combine enzyme system design with end-to-end process development to quickly demonstrate proof of scale.
Unleash the full power of enzyme systems
Combine productivity and precision by design to avoid unwanted byproducts and costs. Reduce capital with a much lower equipment footprint. Bypass the limits of fermentation and simplify downstream processing with our cell-free technology in combination with reusable enzyme carriers.
Unlock new products without fermentation
We make multiple enzymes work together to produce target molecules locked by traditional organism constraints. Our technology maximizes substrate conversions and overcomes product concentration limitations and purification costs.
Make rare molecules economically accessible
It is well known that nature’s catalysts have the power to reduce water usage, energy consumption, waste production, and reduce the use of chemicals. Our technology takes this power to the next level.
Generate significant sustainable outcomes